Google Developers - Channel
Google I/O 2014 - How 20% engineers built Santa Tracker
Speaker(s): Ankur Kotwal, Chris Broadfoot Description: Built on Google's developer platform, San... -
Android graphics performance tips with Chet Haase
Animations can be used for good or evil. They can either create rich and compelling experiences t... -
Google Play Services 8.3
Google Play services 8.3 is now out enabling you to build better apps with new functionality for:... -
Google Play Services 7.0
Google Play services 7.0 is here, enabling you to Build Better Apps! Magnus Hyttsten introduces t... -
Google I/O 2013 - Dive Into Underwater Street View
Jenifer Foulkes, Richard Vevers Google and Catlin Seaview Survey's Richard Vevers have partnere... -
Google I/O 2013 - Fireside Chat with the Glass Team
Charles Mendis, Isabelle Olsson, Steve Lee, Timothy Jordan Join several key members of the Glas... -
Google I/O 2013 - IGNITE
Ignite captures the best of geek culture in a series of five-minute speed presentations. Each spe... -
La gran final del Developer Bus en Colombia, la innovación desde las tecnologías Google (spanish)
Toda la innovación del Developer Bus en Colombia con la presentación de los proyectos, la devoluc... -
El Developer Bus y el color del desarrollo en Colombia (spanish)
Bienvenidos al Developer Bus Temporada 2013 en Bogotá, Colombia. No te pierdas, los equipos, las ... -
Chat with Sunil Vemuri (100 Days of Google Dev) - Coffee with a Googler
In this episode of Coffee With A Googler, we meet with Sunil Vemuri to talk about Google Voice Ac... -
Google I/O 2014 - Zero to hero with Google Cloud Platform
Speaker(s): Chris Ramsdale Kate Volkova Description: Ready to take the leap into the Cloud with ... -
Google I/O 2014 - Distributing your Glassware
Timothy Jordan Join us for an in-depth discussion of the Glassware review process and the steps...