Google Developers - Channel
Audio latency: buffer sizes (100 Days of Google Dev)
We know that buffers play a key role in audio latency. But what determines the size of these buff... -
MKBHD and Google Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan tour I/O
MKBHD and Google Developer Advocate Timothy Jordan take a few minutes during Google I/O 2015 to t... -
YouTube Developers Live Office Hours: Gloto and Groovideo
We have two guests today, Groovideo and Gloto. We'll also recap our Google I/O sessions and answe... -
R 4.6 - Custom Functions With apply()
In the last section of videos, the apply() function was introduced. A prebuilt function is often ... -
Google TV Developers Hangout Oct.17.2012
Google TV News update & Presentation on Advanced Video for Google TV -
R 4.5 - Make a Returned Result Invisible and Build Recursive Functions
Use the invisible() function in place of return() in a function to prevent the output from printi... -
Explorando Android, trabajando con endpoints Developer Bus 2013 (spanish)
Los equipos conocen esta herramienta fundamental para potenciar la arquitectura arquitectónica de... -
Google I/O 2009 Keynote, pt. 9
Video footage from Day 1 keynote at Google I/O 2009 For Google I/O session videos, presentatio... -
Content API for Shopping - Fireside Chat with Zazzle
We'll be chatting with Zazzle engineer Andrew Lamonica about the way they use the Content API for... -
DevBytes: Introduction to Android Auto
Timothy Jordan Introduces Android Auto. Android Auto brings the Android platform to the car in a... -
DevBytes: Background events and the DriveEventService
Learn how to use DriveEventService to listen to events, even when your app isn't running. ChangeE... -
Debugging and Profiling Dart Programs with Observatory (Dart Developer Summit 2015)
An introduction to Observatory, the Dart VM's built-in development tool. Observatory is a new cla...