Star Wars HQ - Channel
Why Darth Vader Wears a Cape - Star Wars Revealed and Explained
We take a look at Darth Vader from Rogue One and why he wears a cape. Does Darth Vader wear a ca... -
Star Wars Episode 8 - FIRST TRAILER DETAILS!
Now that Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is out, the world is wondering about the first Star Wars: E... -
Halo 4 Castle Map Pack Gameplay Walkthrough Incoming Castle Map Pack Trailer Gameplay
New Halo 4 Castle Map Pack gameplay as we walkthrough the maps including Perdition, Outcast, and ... -
Star Wars Episode 8 - THE NEW KYLO REN TEASED!
Today we get some brand new information about Star Wars Episode 8's Kylo Ren, his potential role ... -
Rogue One A Star Wars Story: Tons of New Photos, Details on "World War 2" Feel of the Movie!
Rogue One News: Tons of new photos have been released including photos of a scene that looks to b... -
Star Wars Rebels Season 3 - Darth Maul's Hunt For Obi-Wan and The Nightsisters Epic Return!
►WHO WILL DIE? Vampire snake attacks! WATCH HERE: It's Darth Maul vs Obi-Wan! We take a look... -
Star Wars Battlefront (SWBF) E3 2014 Talk: Gameplay Trailer Incoming For PS4/XboxOne/PC
Ryan talks about the possibility of DICE Star Wars Battlefront SWBF gameplay trailer at E3 2014 f... -
Insane Video Game Deals for Black Friday 2011 Holiday Season. New games released only half price.
- 2011 Video game sales and deals for Black Friday and Holiday 2011 (Thanksgiving and Christmas)... -
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (2017) - DICE Talks Seamless Ground to Space, Past Eras, DLC and More!
Star Wars Battlefront 2 is in full development and, recently, Product Paul Keslin spoke with Euro... -
Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: Scarif DLC Gameplay Reveal Livestream
Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One: Scarif DLC Gameplay Reveal Livestream with Director Krennic, Jyn... -
Star Wars Battlefront LIVE - Rogue One Scarif DLC With Brand New Gameplay!
We're back checking out some more Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One Scarif DLC multiplayer gameplay... -
Star Wars Battlefront - HUGE HERO CHANGES! Rogue One Scarif DLC Updates And Free Content!
Hey guys! Today we are talking about more Star Wars Battlefront Rogue One Scarif DLC updates, in...