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CNET News - President Obama signs executive order for information sharing (video)
At a cybersecurity summit at Stanford University, President Barack Obama signs an order calling f... -
Tomorrow Daily - Man-made meteor showers for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, Ep. 228
/ Ashley and Khail explain how a man-made meteor shower could make a big splash at the 2020 Summe... -
Wheel-controlled Samsung Gear S2 puts a new spin on smartwatch navigation
Read the CNET review: We test-drive the Gear S2, which is controlled by a rotating bezel that le... -
Tomorrow Daily - The Oculus Rift's 2016 launch might be a problem, Ep 174
/ On today's show, Ashley and Khail debate whether or not Oculus can convince you to wait for the... -
Gramofon: A bargain Spotify Connect adapter with great audio quality
The low-cost Gramofon brings Spotify music to your home stereo or receiver and it even can extend... -
CNET Update - Ways to avoid spoilers before seeing 'The Force Awakens'
/ Trust your feelings and download a program to block websites with Star Wars movie spoilers. Als... -
Inside Scoop - Hey Siri, give us a hint of Apple's September 9 event
Apple has just sent out invites to its September 9 event in San Francisco. CNET's Lexy Savvides g... -
New Atlas robot is our best frenemy forever, Tomorrow Daily ep. 319
Click here for the Tomorrow Daily post - Boston Dynamics unveils the newest version of its Atlas... -
Apple Byte - The Apple Watch companion app reveals all-new details
/ The Apple TV will be the center of Apple's Smart Home; will the next iPhone bring Apple Watch f... -
Apple's working on iris scanning for the 2018 iPhone (Apple Byte)
Watch more episodes of Apple Byte: Iris scanning is coming to the iPhone...two years after Samsu... -
Agridrone is made for targeted bug strikes (Tomorrow Daily 381)
Watch more from Tomorrow Daily - Check out a drone designed to specifically target crop-destroyi... -
CNET Update - Facebook brings 360-degree video to the News Feed
/ Facebook goes 360, Apple fixes iOS 9 and BlackBerry may be making a comeback. Subscribe to CNE...