xjet - Channel
Winter arrives (finally) so no RC Planes today
The seemingly endless run of fine weekends has ended and so I only got two flights in on Saturday... -
Flying a racing drone with 3.6mm lens?
Yes, lots of crashes! As racing and freestyle drones move towards ever-shorter lenses, I decided... -
How YouTube shapes reality through video demonetization
In the world of monetized YouTube videos there is no conflict, there are no injuries, no drug use... -
NZ's Government Drone Minister responds...
Last month I emailed NZ's Minister of Transport with my concerns over the lack of representation ... -
RC Plane (nothing to see here, move along)
You don't seem many videos of me flying an RC plane LOS on this channel because I'm the guy behin... -
Coffee & a Chat #4 Drones are not the problem!
It's far too wet and windy to fly RC planes or drones so it's time for a coffee and a chat. You w... -
Climate change activists throw RC plane and drone fliers under a bus
How dare the Extinction Rebellion activists throw our hobby under a bus by threatening to use dro... -
Fail and crash - RC plane versus tree, no contest.
Hockey-goal or tree? That was the split second decision that had to be made while I was flying f... -
Coffee & a Chat #4 In sickness and in health
Let's chat about drones, life, inbred politicians and the insanity of regulations in another Coff... -
Teaser: RC planes, fun and fails from Tokoroa, New Zealand
A bit of a teaser for the videos coming up this week on the XJet channel. We had a fantastic spr... -
Tokoroa, RC Planes and Vintage karts
It wasn't just RC plane crashes on another glorious weekend here in Tokoroa New Zealand, with the... -
Wintery, windy FPV flight with Outlaw250 FPV RC plane
Not a whole lot to see here except how the Outlaw250 handles a pretty blustery day. Got the old...