travisgrindal - Channel
Realacc x210 with SE2205 Motors - LOS and FPV Flights
Only a few days left for the GIVEAWAY! Banggood's 10th Anniversary Sale: The Realacc x210 is ... -
Whippet I/H Frame: Parts, Build Review, Tuning, LOS, & FPV!
The Whippet I/H Frame from Detroit Multirotor is probably the best thought-out frame I've seen. E... -
Realacc 210 v2 Frame Review from Banggood
The popularity of the Lumenier's QAV210 frame is unmatched. I think it was first cloned and named... -
Realacc x210 (QAV-X Clone) Frame Review from Banggood
Great quads are followed closely by clones. This clone came a little sooner than anyone was expec... -
Detroit Multirotor Whippet I & H Frame Review
This the Whippet frame from Detroit Multirotor which can be configured into a "H" or "I" shape de... -
EMAX Nighthawk X5 Frame Review from Banggood
The X frames are coming out in force! EMAX has thrown their hat into the game too. This Nightha... -
Eachine EV800 Review and VR-007 Comparison from Banggood
Immediately after taking off the first time, I was immediately impressed with the EV800 goggles. ... -
AirPixFPV AP-5 Frame Review
The X frames keep coming! Each one attempts to out do the previous. The AirPixFPV AP-5 frame doe... -
Diatone Crusader 225 Frame Review & Tyrant 180
After the luck I had with the Diatone Tyrant 180, I am really looking forward to flying the Crusa... -
E130 Square Drone Frame Review from Banggood
This is another (smaller) square frame. It is 130mm frame. I've been flying my Deformation 130 ... -
LCD5802D Review & Comparison from Banggood
This is the LCD5802D... "D"... as in "DVR". The LCD5802 I've been using has been nearly flawless... -
TC-R260 Racing Drone Flying at Mt. Sherman!
Talk about intense! Flying at a location where if you crash you won't be able to recover your qu...