Skitzo FPV - Channel
A Dying Generation
In the light of feeling the hobby has changed greatly since I started. I decided to show you guys... -
The Biggest RC Event In The World!!
Join us as we embark on a new journey to Joe Nall 2017. The biggest RC event in the world! This w... -
Still Got It?
I was worried with how long it's been since I've flown that maybe I have lost my groove. What do ... -
Circle Of Life - The Cycle Continues..
More footage that I thought wasn't worth posting. I seem to be sitting on a lot of footage and go... -
Kickin' It Old School
I went on a road trip with Rotor Riot last week. We had plans on hitting the most epic spot ever ... -
Upside Town
I just wanted to make a short clip of our windy adventure to the office park. One of my esc's dec... -
I found some old footage that I never posted. Hope you guys like it! I'll be back soon I promise!... -
Flow Fest
I had an amazing weekend with Flite Test and good friends. Here's to new horizons and pushing the... -
The Skitzo Experience
So I was out flying today with one of my good friends and I decided to use "Youtube Music" to gen... -
The Most Sketchy Spot?
Please follow me :) Instagram: / Periscope: Twitter: Facebook: |:-QUADCOPTER GEAR-:| - QAV-Sk... -
Dark Matter Frame Build
I finally decided to work on my own frame with Lumenier. I wanted to personalize this frame and d... -
A Dying Breed
With the era of vlogs taking over, I decided to kick it old school and put together flight footag...