VideoFromSpace - Channel
NASA Pings Asteroid (And Its Moon) During Flyby | Video
NASA Deep Space Network antenna at Goldstone, California obtained radar imagery of asteroid 2004 ... -
Earth-Based Exoplanet Scope Sweeps The Skies | Video
12 telescopes of the Next-Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) at the European Southern Observatory a... - Holiday Gift Guide Pick - Playmobil Rocket Launch Site and Space Shuttle | Video's Hanneke Weitering give you the details on the the pick. Find out more about it and mo... -
Ignition! NASA CYGNSS Hurricane Satellites Launched | Video
Eight satellites were air-launched by an Orbital ATK Pegasus XL rocket after it was dropped from ... -
New Craters Sleuthed Out By NASA Moon Camera Probe | Video
After astronomers recorded a bright flash on the Moon in March 2013, NASA tasked its Lunar Reconn... -
Pluto New Horizons' 'Bulletproof Vest' Isn't Its Only Defense | Video
Flying twice the speed of a Space Shuttle, a collision with cosmic debris could be catastrophic. ... -
New Horizons’ Pluto Imagery Will Amaze Us | Video
Even 100,000 million miles away, NASA’s New Horizons probe has begun delivering unprecedented vie... -
This Astronaut's 'Orbital Perspective' Could Change The World | Video
NASA's Ron Garan spent over 177 days in space, looking down on the planet in his spare moments. T... -
Planet X May Be Real - Evidence Mounting For 9th Planet | Video
Full Story on A possible planet – larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune – orbit... -
One-Year Space Station Mission Huge Step To Mars | Video
Slated to start at the end of March 2015, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly will spend a year aboard the... -
'Bigger Dipper' Scoops Stars and Galaxies In April 2014 Skywatching | Video
The constellations of Ursa Major (the 'Big Dipper') and Leo hold a bevy of skywatching goodness t... -
Matter Tears Through Sun’s Atmosphere As Magnetic Filament Ruptures | Video
On Jan. 26th, 2016, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured imagery (at several different wave...