FliteTest - Channel
Flite Test - Hot Glue - FAST TIP
Today class, we learn about the wonders of hot glue! Chad and David sure are excited, so humor th... -
Flite Test - Trappy Interview - UPDATE
Raphael Pirker (Trappy) is an Austrian born university student that has a passion for flying firs... -
Flite Test - HK-500CMT 3D - REVIEW
Flite Test - REVIEW HK-500CMT 3D Electric Helicopter A Hobby King sponsored segment. Flite Test... -
Flite Test - :60 Breaking Glass
See the entire episode here: / Have you been in a situation where you wanted to share Flite Test... -
Flite Test - :60 Avatar Gunship
See the full episode here: / Have you been in a situation where you wanted to share Flite Test w... -
Flite Test - E-Flite Taylorcraft 450 - REVIEW
Flite Test - E-Flite Taylorcraft 450 - REVIEW The original Taylorcraft is one of private aviati... -
Flite Test - Giant RC Power Distribution
Ohio Huckfest 2012 King 50 Champion Joe Smith shared with us a little about what the fail safe po... -
Flite Test - Flying Inverted - FLITE TIP
Flying inverted is generally not something to sustain without some skill. But in this Flite Tip,... -
Flite Test - Intermediate FPV - PROJECT
Flite Test - Intermediate FPV - PROJECT In this episode of Flite Test, Josh, Josh, and Chad teac... -
Flite Test - Slope Soaring - FLITE TIP
Flite Test - FLITE TIP Slope Soaring Josh and Josh go to their happy spot on the soap slopes of ... -
Flite Test - Fiberglass Fox - REVIEW
Flite Test - REVIEW Fiberglass Fox Glider The listeners have spoken, and Flite Test listened. Th... -
Flite Test - Discus Launch Glider
David teaches Josh how to discus launch and he shares some tips for achieving a successful flight...