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I have always loved physical fitness and working out. For most of my youth I was fueled by a steady diet of my father's Muscle & Fitness magazines, Jackie Chan movies and martial arts choreography with a crew of friends and family in my backyard.
Being in shape had always been a top priority - even in my pre-teen years - but due to a late growth spurt I had always looked to the physiques in Muscle & Fitness as something that may be out of reach. Instead I opted to concentrate on the physical acrobatics of my favorite movie star from Hong Kong and only hope one day to emulate my father's old-school heroes Steve Reeves and Frank Zane. Years later and developing into my late teens, that day had finally come...
Finally reaching my full grown height of 6'2" I realized quickly that it was time to pack some serious heat in the gym and attempt to sculpt my scrawny physique into something meaningful.
With my dreams of a career in martial arts now pushed aside I began playing catch-up, living in the gym and only taking breaks to eat anything which crossed my path in order to catch up with my new competition. Working out in an antiqued dungeon of a fitness center (Lou Ferrigno's New York gym from Pumping Iron comes to mind) and with back issues of Muscle & Fitness as my guide I set my sights on a goal which would help me achieve my physical fitness aspirations: Entering my first bodybuilding competition.
In February of 2004 I did just that, winning 2nd place in the Teen division which took place in Vancouver Washington. Inspired by my placing but not yet satisfied, I entered my second contest in April taking place in Lincoln City, Oregon and achieved my first dream: I had won 1st place in a bodybuilding competition.
With the fuel of my success feeding the growing fire inside, I planned on taking a year to train, learn and come back stronger when graduating from the teen division and entering the big leagues but fate had a different plan...
Contacted after my bodybuilding competitions regarding possible fitness modeling, I did some test shoots and realized what a great opportunity I had stumbled upon and began pursuing future work in modeling and fitness training as opposed to my original visions of Olympia glory.
With a steady stream of photoshoots including Cosmopolitan, Muscle & Fitness and L'Uomo Vogue and a dedication to pursuing my education in physical fitness, I became a certified personal trainer and began training others in order to help them reach their potential much like I had done myself years prior.
Buff Dudes / Fitness / Natural, Steroid Free Bodybuilding Transformation
Starring: Brandon Myles White
Shot n' Edited by: Hudson
Music by Kevin MacLeod
Griphop - ISRC: US-UAN-11-00413
Impact Intermezzo - ISRC: US-UAN-11-00620
Prelude and Action - ISRC: US-UAN-11-00887
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