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This flight made me smile.
Harv was looking for something to put a new Saito 125 into and came across this used and very tired Funtana S90 from Hangar 9. It had seen much better days. Harv rebuilt the front end and a large part of the fuse. He even built a new canopy for it.
After shooting the video, I did a little research to find out more about the plane and found a review from 2004. So how does a 9 year old 3D design fly? You'll have to see for yourself.
You can tell Harv was having fun with this plane. I can't wait to see it fly after Harv gets a chance to put a few flights on it!
Old School Rules!!! (sometimes).
Hangar 9 Funtana S90
Powered by a new Saito 125
Wingspan: 69.5 in
Wing area: 1107.8 sq in
Length: 68.5 in
Weight: 8.1 lb (dry)
Link to the July 2004 review on RC Universe:
The Royalty Free Music is from Jamendo at:
Artist: Re-Drum
Album: It's Better to Burn out Than To Fade Away
Song Title: America Loves Everybody
Link to Song:
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