Oprah's in SUICIDE SQUAD? (What's Suicide Squad?) - #NEWS

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The "Suicide Squad" cast list is out, and it may include... Oprah? Jovenshire from Smosh Games heads up this week's #News with details on "Suicide Squad," the long-awaited (at least by DC Comics fans who know what any of this means) villains movie featuring The Joker, Harley Quinn and Boomerang, among others. The star-studded cast will include Jared Leto as The Joker, Margot Robbie as Harley Quinn, possibly Will Smith (unless he drops out again) and maybe even Oprah as mastermind Amanda Waller. Confused yet? So are we - but Jovenshire's here to give us the rundown.
Previous video: Hackers Are Not Hitler! - "Inglourious Basterds" Brad Pitt
Executive Producer: Jeben Berg
Host: Jovenshire
Directed by: Filup Molina
Producer: Jenni Powell
Executive Producers: Nathan Jordan, Rory Haines
Written and Edited by: New Media Rockstars
Office PA: Amy Leonard
Editorial Assistant: Christine Linnell
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