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Wanna see a little weed whacking heli style? This is another chapter in Harv's journey to the Dark Side. Yes, I'm afraid that Harv has been well and truly seduced by the lure of helis. This is the latest addition to his hangar.
In this video, Harv is gently breaking in his new 3D heli with its monster YS 91-3DS and trims the tall grass on the edge of the runway.
I think it might be too late for an intervention!
Here's what he used to build this awesome heli:
Trex 700N
Fusuno Jolly Bee Canopy
YS 91-3DS with Hatori SB-19 pipe
Savox 2272 HV cyclic servos
Savox 2271 HV tail servo
Savox 1259 on the throttle
Mikado VBar 5.3 Pro Blueline
Edge 693mm blades
RotorRage 30% nitro
Royalty Free Music from: Jamendo at
Artist: Re-Drum
Album: It's Better To Burn Out Than To Fade Away
Song: Näetspäenninsomkopplaren
Link to Song:
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