More Characters Doing The T-Pose Screen Result Glitch in Super Smash Bros Wii U

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The following video is incomplete cause the glitch has been patched. If you missed the last video, the T-Pose glitch happens when you hit the home button before the results screen causing the characters do make a T-Pose aka T-Stance in Super Smash Bros Wii U. Since the last update which included changes to characters as well as new Mii Costumes, New Stages and Tournament Mode, they also patched some glitches as well. The Wii Home Button has been disabled so you can't attempt to do it.
The user "E.J. Yu" also made a video about the T-Pose Glitch and he was close of getting all the characters done. It can take like 5 Minutes to 2 hours (or more) just to get a single character just to do the glitch. It is that random and frustrating. The link is at the top to see 44 characters doing the T-Pose Glitch on the Result Screen in Super Smash Bros Wii U.
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