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The Amsterdam Westerunie is still busy repairing its floor of all damage done last Armada Night edition, on January 30th. But no worries, by the time the next Armada beats fill the room, therell be plenty of square meters to do your thing on. Saturday May 29th, Armada Night returns to Westerunie. And you bet Armada Music will make you move.
Armada Music looks back onto a splendid series of Armada Nights, at a venue that has begun to feel like home. Hundreds of Armada fans walked across the Westerpark, lured by the warm beats sounding from Westerunie. Once inside, the vibe was right and some of the biggest Armada DJs served the finest beats around. Roger Shah, Andy Moor, John OCallaghan, Dash Berlin, Signum and Ørjan Nilsen are some of the outstanding DJs that graced the decks during previous Armada Nights.
The next Armada Night, on Saturday May 29th, will feature another selection of top notch DJs, to be revealed soon. Just be sure you cancel your holiday, reschedule that date (or bring him/her with you) and get your dancing shoes polished, cause May 29th youre swinging things down at Westerunie once more.
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