De Hofnar - Kings and Queens [OUT NOW] [Mini Mix]

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The go-to creator for hyper-infectious floor-fillers and melody-centric summer vibes, De Hofnar has more than earned his stripes in the world of dance music. And while he keeps supplying the scene with his deliciously flavored productions, he now enters a new chapter in his career through a marvelous body of work: his debut album, ‘Kings And Queens’.
Comprising seven singles of the highest possible quality across a range of styles and genres, ‘Kings and Queens’ is an album that could land any musician a spot on the electronic music throne. Boiling down to one empowering message – “It’s time to start being the king of your own life” – the album sees De Hofnar reinvent himself and take the next step to realizing his full potential.
An album of royal quality, ‘Kings and Queens’ sets out to become one of the Dutchman’s crowning achievement. We bow to you, sir.
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