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This video features the Eachine Wizard X220 and newbie quad pilot David (aka Big "Kahuna").
This budget friendly little quad turned out to be the perfect next step on David’s journey to the Darkside after a brief and intense flirtation with the gateway quad, the Tiny Whoop. David has been flying planes and even a few helis for years (decades in fact) but he’s only been doing the FPV quad thing for a few months.
I was blown away at how comfortable he is when flying an FPV quad and look forward to watching his progress. I was also impressed with how well this inexpensive little Eachine Wizard X220 can fly.
David’s GoPro 4 wasn’t set to the best video settings so the video quality of the video isn’t what it could have been but that will be taken care of in future flights.
Link to the quad:
David's quad is It's basically a stock Eachine Wizard 220 with: Dalprop 5-4 props
Upgraded DYS 20a escs
Upgraded cam Foxeer HS1177 with GoPro 2.5 lens
GoPro 4 custom mount
Fatshark base SD goggles with custom goggle mounted Eachine 40ch VRX.
Radio: JR 9505
Thanks very much for watching, happy flying to you.
The Royalty Free Music:
Camilla North & Jens East - Invisible (Future Bass Music No Copyright Sounds)
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