CNET On Cars - Premieres Friday August 31st

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Brain Cooley's new show "CNET On Cars" premieres Friday August 31st.
About eight years ago our team here inside CNET was, shall we say, divided over the prospect of covering cars. A number of smart people asked if cars made sense on a site that focuses on tech. Nobody asks that question any more. We've brought you more than 1,100 car videos since then, and on September 4, we take the next step: a new show called CNET On Cars, where we'll expand on our mutual love of cars and their technology. I think this is the most exciting, world-changing aspect of technology -- but I'm biased! Each bi-weekly show we'll bring you:
-On The Road in a cool car from the CNET garage
- Car Tech 101, demonstrating a key car technology and why you should care
- On Cars Top 5 putting the best of cars and tech in order
- Smarter Driver shows you how to leverage the tech in a new car or your car
- Cars of the Future, what we envisioned then, and now
And, of course, I'll do all this in the same real-world, no-B.S. style you've come to expect. There will be a YouTube show page to subscribe to. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user, if you have any question about video removal, what was shared by open community, please contact directly or report bad/not working video links directly to video owner on Removed video from will also be removed from here.