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Years before Eminem was anyone to anything, much less a rap god, The Bearded Man was a young buck trying to make a name for himself on the streets of 8 mile. For many years, he regretted the fact that the world-famous rapper essentially stole everything from him, his whole act, his back story, everything. But at that time, he couldn’t have predicted how far his rhymes would go. He was just hustling on the streets of Detroit, entering into rap battles with random strangers. It was an aggressive, sometimes nasty world full of unexpected twists and turns. Still, out of all the chaos, he was offered a chance to perform in exchange for a major label contract. He was nervous, but on the surface he did indeed appear calm and ready. In the end, he did not miss his chance to blow, and he got the contract, yo. He even wrote a song about it. Of course, The Bearded Man has never been an angry person, so his song was nothing like Eminem’s “Lose Yourself”. It was much more chill, and he made it about himself. Now he ended up giving credit for the song to good friends Wild Culture and Ramon, but still, The Bearded Man has Rick Rubin’ed a lot of popular music in his time.
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