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Always ready to think outside the box, Israeli's finest prog-house finds its origin in the studio of Michael Tsukerman. Perfect for the long, warm nights ahead, he presents 'Not Alone' and 'Pegasus'.
Next to his infamous collabs with Gofman on the successes of 'Darko', 'We Control You' and 'Rush Zone', Tsukerman has also been cranking up the volume with tunes like 'Tel Aviv', 'My Name Is Sawtooth' and 'Sivan'. This time, he's on his own again. And the solo tour is paying off.
'Not Alone' rides a catchy melodic vibe, deep and proggy but with a hint of summer on top. 'Pegasus' on the other hand, rides the big room wave, bursting into synthtronica madness and wiring prog, house and trance. Two solid tunes that'll keep your neighbors awake.
Pegasus (Original Mix) (06:18)
Not Alone (Original Mix) (07:29)
Pegasus (Radio Edit) (04:15)
Not Alone (Radio Edit) (04:26) is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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