OpenPilot CopterControl 3D TxPID tuning

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My first CC3D and PID tuning experience. I am not an expert with CopterControl. I just want to share my first exposure to tuning a CC3D. All my info has been gathered at
I got my TxPID set up thanks to Fredz video.
Through PPM I had three dials connected to Roll/Pitch Rate Kp, Ki and Kd. I set my stick inputs down to 75 to be gentle and took it out into the still air for some Rate tuning.
KP started at default (.002?) and had me hovering fine and level, but was some what 'floppy' when I tried to move around. I started to dial up Kp (land, adjust, take off) until it felt nice and 'tight'. Flicking the stick quickly would create a little vibration/oscillation. Dialing up further brought in the constant oscillations. So I backed off again to the tight but slight 'ringing' effect when flicking the sticks. Now I flew around a little. I noticed that the quad would head off in a direction from sticks but quite quickly loose the angle and level again - a bit like flying in Atti mode.
Ki next. Starting at zero I raised the Ki. Each raise I tried to see if the flying angle would hold better. I was surprised that I just kept turning it up. The effect was much more subtle but I could see it improving. I made broad adjustments up until the angle was locking in much better but then other 'ringing' oscillations appeared. Higher frequency this time but similar to the Kp's on stick flicks. I backed off until they were minimal but still had good angle hold in flight. So far so good. My Ki had ended up higher than Kp at this point. I flew around a bit more and all was fantastic compared to my previous FC's (Gaui, Naza). As I flew a bit more aggressively i could start to see more of the ringing as I let up out of tight turns etc. I tweaked both KP and Ki down a touch. Flicking the sticks still 'rang' a bit.
Kd next. This was the most subtle of all. I wasn't sure it was working so I just turned it up to my max setting. Now I could see that the ringing had gone completely but also the stick inputs had become very mushy and delayed in feeling. I had to make broad adjustments for a while, up and down before I started to get a feel for Kd's effect. Too much is mushy too little the ringing is back. Went back down to zero and just edged it up until the stick flick ringing all but disappeared. Just a tiny hint was left.
Flew around a bit more LOS and found I could get various small oscillations appearing on different types of turns and stops. Spent another set of batteries tweaking all three but keeping them close to where I had set them .Kp down a touch, Ki down a touch etc. Ok pretty much done on Roll and Pitch.
Next I reset the TxPID to adjust Yaw Rate - Kp Ki Kd and did the same steps. This was much less specific than Roll and Pitch and the numbers for Yaw were generally 50% higher. Once done though I was happy flying with rate on all three axis and could not really see much difference between yaw Axis Lock vs Rate which is a good thing I guess. I will still fly Axislock on Yaw for now.
One last TxPID round for Atti Pitch Roll and Yaw Kp and I was done.
I think I am as good as I can get flying in a small space. Need to go FPV now.
This video represents a rerun the next day for demo purposes.
Quad details:
Home built frame
Tiger AT 2216 1250kv motors
30A ESC Simonk
APC 10 x 4.7 slowfly props
Dragonlink on a Futaba 9cap
Lipos: 3 x Zippy 2200mAh 3s 20C
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