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Spelunking. Just the sound of it feels like it’s a word that should be banned for one reason or another. The Bearded Man used to LOVE spelunking all night with this one girl… Get your mind out of the gutter! It means “cave-diving”. Ok, we realize that the definition for spelunking is just as suggestive as the word itself, but forget it ok? Moving on! So anyways, the two were exploring the infamous Tayos cave in Ecuador — at night. It could have been some pretty scary stuff, especially since The Bearded Man only had one pack of matches tucked inside his beard in case something went wrong. Their headlamps seemed to have plenty of batteries, so for now, all was well. Some thought they might be searching for gold… Others, for the mysteries of ancient UFOs. Well, they were all wrong. They were there, because listening to a portable Bluetooth™ speaker in a cave is dope af. They just wanted to dance for a while, and celebrate life the way only two people listening to Sirius XM® can. Where can you get yourself a Bluetooth™ speaker for this summer you ask? Why at any local Target, Walmart, Mediamarkt, or a variety of the world’s most beloved brands and chains of course! Why wait? Buy one today, starting at the low low price of just $49.99!
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