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2009 marks a new beginning to Dutch producer Ram Boon. After many successful years as part of the hard-trance duo Bas & RAM, he calls it a day and takes a different route. Though the solo-road may seem like a lonely one, RAM received plenty of support and positive feedback to keep going.
One of his first solo-releases is inspired by the lovely capital of Holland. We all love Amsterdam, and we're pretty sure this trancy translation of it will also end up in the list of favourites. Released in the same week the Amsterdam Dance Event hits in, Ram couldn't have made a better start to his just unfolding new life-path. 'RAMsterdam' has the exact right amount of energy, blasting away with a strong big room sound, right before it hits in with one of the best breaks a trance tracks has ever had. Kissed by piano and carried by soothing synths, the break will take you on a mind-shivering trip down the beautiful Amsterdam canals. But if there's one thing the Amsterdam people know all about, it's partying. And so, the vivid nightlife of Amsterdam crawls into this production with the energetic, bass driven part right after the break. RAM caught the magic of this lovely city and served it on a true trance anthem plate.
Credits for the success of this tune also go out to Dutch producer Jorn van Deynhoven, who shook 'RAMsterdam' to a mind-blowing trance highlight, uplifting and unforgettable. His remix already put the Ibiza crowd into a frenzy, when Armin van Buuren recorded his 'Universal Religion Chapter 4' down Club Amnesia and threw this tune in. Whether you prefer uplifting or dark, this pack of 'RAMsterdam' has it all!
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