Weightless - I Think I'm In Love (Original Mix) (SBM051)

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Spring feelings have hit the American city of Chicago. Combine the two most wonderful things in the world and the brand new track of Blake Jarrell under his Weightless alias is what you get. Love and music come together in 'I Think I'm In Love', a cheeky and playful A-class fusion of catchy house and soulful progressive. There's no better feeling than the rush of a good track pumping through the speakers at a packed club, and be sure..this one is going to fill it!
Blake's stunning original sees an interpretation of no one less than Stoneyboy himself, StoneBridge, who tweaked the bass and distorted the melody just a bit. Resulting in a heavier build-up and housier break in his 'Re-FX remix'. We think we're in love.
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