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In this episode, the Roswell Flight Test Crew previews the 2016 AUVSI Xponential Show, being held May 2-5 in New Orleans, Louisiana. AUVSI has long been the domain of industrial and defense drone manufacturers and users, but this year's show is seeing booths from consumer drone makers such as DJI, Ehang and Autel Robotics. Among the 300 speakers who will be speaking at Xponential, Patrick Sherman of the Roswell Flight Test Crew will be giving a presentation entitled “Dawn of the Drones” and leading a group discussion, which asks “Drone Enthusiasts: Where Do We Go From Here?” The Roswell Flight Test Crew's home state of Oregon is well-represented at the conference, with 11 companies on the show floor as well as SOAR Oregon: a state-sponsored non-profit organization dedicated to building the unmanned systems industry in the state. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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