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Ever wonder what it's like behind the scenes of Because Science? Well, wonder no longer. Join Kyle Hill from The Nerdist as he takes you behind the scenes and shows you how he creates an episode of Because Science using his Lenovo Yoga 720 with Windows 10.
Kyle’s latest scientific conundrum? A well known Grimm’s Fairy Tales mystery; can long flowing luscious blonde hair hanging out of a castle tower in fact support the weight of a grown man? Kyle takes us through the step-by-step process of finding an accurate and factual conclusion! He starts the process by using Cortana to search the internet for some information and imagery. This helps him set up his hypothesis, or scientific quandary (You know, the question that needs to be answered.) Then he starts the process of solving the hypothesis, first by using Cortana to help him search for vital information of the tensile strength of hair, etc. He compiles his data using the Sticky Notes App. Next Kyle is able to create an equation and solution to his hypothesis using Windows Ink. Finally, Kyle takes everything he’s learned and begins the production process. The Sticky Notes App makes it easy for Kyle to create a check list and track the progress of each stage of production. After that, it’s all about testing, testing, and more testing, Because Science!
From research to execution, the Lenovo Yoga 720 is the Windows touch screen laptop that has everything Kyle needs in his quest for the science behind the story.
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