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More than half the world’s population suffers from dehydration without even realizing that this can lead to serious health problems.
Watch the video till the end to learn the ways in which dehydration can have negative effects and a simple way to check your level of dehydration in 5 seconds.
What will happen if you don’t drink enough water 0:45
Your mouth is dry 1:36
Your skin is dry 2:11
You’re very thirsty 2:44
Your eyes are dry 3:20
You have joint pain 3:45
Your muscle mass decreases 4:12
You stay sick longer 4:46
You feel fatigued and lethargic 5:21
You experience hunger pangs 5:48
You have digestive problems 6:19
You experience premature aging 6:53
A quick test to check your level of dehydration 7:43
10 signs of light levels of dehydration 8:14
10 signs of severe dehydration 8:44
10 signs of light levels of dehydration:
• Thirst
• Dry mouth
• Tiredness
• Worried and irritable
• Dark yellow urine, fewer toilet breaks (keep in mind that a healthy person urinates 6-7 times a day)
• Dry skin
• Dizziness
• Bad breath
• Headache
• Muscle cramps
10 signs of severe dehydration:
• Excessive thirst
• Faster heartbeat
• Loss of consciousness
• Faster breathing
• Hollow stare
• Low pressure
• Extremely dry skin
• Strong dizziness
• No sweating even in hot weather
• Very dark urine, very few toilet breaks
If you recognize any of these signs in yourself, go and drink a glass of H2O straight away!
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