FPV Proximity Practise with Stick Cam

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Well this new stick-cam thing seems to be working well enough so why not chop together a little of tonight's practise session around some very tall trees i would be terrified of climbing :)
Everyone tries to progress and for different people there are different ways. But tonight, i wanted to work on getting close to the tree line and how to bail when its not quite there out the back of a powerloop, there are a few ways to style that on out im finding :)
LINKY TIME! Don't forget my NJTECH discount code for all things readyedi and the spedix escs via Gofpv :)
Beast X frame: /?
Beast SX
Beast front Pod: /?
Spedix ES30HV ESCs:
Cobra championship 2207 2450kv:
Emax RS White 2400kv:
Foxeer Monster V2:
Chroma LED kit:
Music: Ms. Jackson - remix by Party Pupils
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Betaflight Rates:
RC rate 1.05 on P,R,Y
rate 82 R, 80 P, 78Y
Raceflight RF1 Rates:
stock rate profile. Stick smoothing 40% freestyle
filters ultra low
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