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I've been working on a few 3D parts, starting with arms for the Blade mQX (). During the 3D printing process I had noticed that some of the dimensions were off anywhere between .2 to .5mm. I wanted to make sure there was nothing wrong with the software I'm using or the Makerbot Replicator 2.
So I decided to do a calibration test with the 40mm cube as a reference:
After printing the cube I gave it a measure and here were my dimensions:
X: 39.79mm
Y: 39.85mm
Z: 39.31mm
So the Z axis was much further off than the X & Y, which are both tolerable inaccuracies. I'm using Google Sketchup and an STL exporter plugin. The STL file format is what you use before you prepare your object for 3D printing. Perhaps there's an issue with the STL exporter, which I'll be investigating soon.
But in the meantime the inaccuracies are small enough that I can manage. Understanding the limitations of each axis will help me as I continue to design and print for quadcopter parts.
My next part is going to be a motor mount for my iPower 950kV motors. I have a frame that I'd like to mount these motors to, but need the motor mounts to be ready before I do. I should have them done soon and will post a follow up. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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