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From the film "Kingdom of Saturn" - on Amazon:
The complex choreography of Saturn’s satellites displays beautiful physics. But biology may lurk in the depths of huge oceans beneath the icy crusts of at least two of Saturn’s moons. As the many small worlds dance – there are at least 62 – they gravitationally disturb one another and constantly sculpt the rings. Each Saturnian moon is a unique jewel in the majestic planet's necklace, remarkably different from its sisters. Some look like the result of ancient, catastrophic collisions. Others pour matter out into space, tinting the rings and shading one another. And a few are captured asteroids; visitors from deep space who strayed too close.
"Kingdom of Saturn –Cassini's Epic Quest" is a 73-minute documentary, available at Amazon Xive-TV, from director @DavidSkyBrody and executive producer Thomas Lucas. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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