TS100 Soldering Iron, Custom Firmware & soldering tricks!

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PLEASE READ (custom firmware link below!) LINKS BELOW!
So i know many of you already know about this guy, but if you don't - watch on! With the custom Ralim firmware it will run as hot as 450 degrees C and has a fantastic suite of features, along with exceptional temperature control.
TS100 Product Link:
Spare and alternative tips:
Different colour casings:
Iron stand for TS100:
Helping hands:
CUSTOM firmware im using for up to 450 degrees C and loads of features:
A great PSU for those that purchased the iron without one (thanks to FlyQuad FPV for this info)
Model No. AC-S2422 on eBay around $10 shipped. It puts out 3.6A for 6.5 seconds for the initial heat up and will carry a constant 2.2A @ 24V.
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