DIY Beginner RC Plane - FT Simple Cub

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Flite Test brings you the new Simple Cub RC foamboard airplane design.
Buy the Simple Cut speed build kit: /
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Build one from scratch:
Watch us design and test the Simple Cub:
Watch the beginner series:
Build the Blu Baby:
Buy the Horizon SuperCub:
Introducing the newest member of the Flite Test plane line-up: the FT Simple Cub! The Simple Cub (formerly known as the Tubby Cubby) was designed to be built simply, flown simply, and basically be a ton of fun.
There were a couple iconic planes this is designed after. The first is the ParkZone Super Cub LP, which is a staple for thousands of people in the hobby. Also, the Blu-Baby 24, which was a design featured on Both of these planes, however, are parts intensive. The Super Cub you can’t scratch build and the Blu-Baby is more of an advanced scratch build.
Our desire with designing the FT Simple Cub was to make it as simple as possible—it only takes under an hour to build and is composed of only 11 pieces of foam board. The Simple Cub can be made a 3- or 4-channel airplane, so basically, the plane can grow with the pilot.
The best part? It’s incredibly easy and simple (can you tell we like that word?) to fly! Even the most beginner pilot will have success flying the Simple Cub.
Guess what? We also designed floats for you to take off on the water! Stay tuned for the FT Simple Cub design and floats design! is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user, if you have any question about video removal, what was shared by open community, please contact directly or report bad/not working video links directly to video owner on Removed video from will also be removed from here.