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Although it comes with its own HD camera, this quadcopter's camera mount can also accomodate a GoPro style cameras. Find it here and use coupon rc18off . Camera version here Wifi version here Cheap camera less version (attach your own) here
- Includes HD camera.
- Stock camera can be removed from mount. Mount can also accomodate GoPro style cameras.
- Large downward pusher style motors and props. Intent is to reduce aerodynamic buffeting of the frame, hopefully to mitigate jello in video.
- Controller buttons are all well labeled in English.
- Does not have altitude hold (this is a plus to some ;-)
- Flight time relatively short. I got under 4 minutes flight time (battery was fully charged). But it was the first flight of this battery, and flight time might be improved with conditioning of the battery (repeated charge discharge cycles).
- Over 250 grams, will require FAA registration.
- Although the camera does record in 1080p format, it appears to be interpolated from lower resolution sensor. Video also appears to stutter intermittently during recording. This could have been caused by my Class 4 memory card and might be eliminated through use of higher speed cards.
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This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding "free" video editor here
"Awel" by stefsax
is licensed under a Creative Commons license:
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