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CDeepMusic - Deep / Nu Disco / Indie Dance
CDeepMusic on Facebook:
"Only U" has been taken from the "Where I'll Be EP" and has kindly been put up for free download in celebration of Deceptive's debut signing with a major. News on this will be revealed at a later date. "Only U" delivers a groovy Garage arrangement, with crispy drums that flow through the track holding the pulsing bass line in check. The syncopation on the vocal chops act just like percussive timbres that dance around the whole piece, creating space and energy. While the cleverly not over used "Only U" hock introduces the bass switch and cements this dance floor banger into a must have track for all club DJ's alike.
Deceptive's mission is to see you all raving underneath his box as he starts to take bookings for 2014. Make sure you keep up to date with his gigs and music by following him on the links below.
Deceptive Social
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