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I CAN'T RACE!! But hey, im willing to learn as its a lot of fun and really gets the heart going :) So this is a bog standard SPF3 cheap flight controller on betaflight 3.1.7 with the notch filtering reduced to zero on notch1 (in the filters tab of the GUI PID page) and the Dterm lowpass gain type set to PT1. Please be careful you dont smoke your motors or ESCs doing this by testing first with PT1 and checking motor temps, if all is good then move onto notch 1 and personally, id leave it there and not touch notch 2.
The other thing worth noting in this video is the Foxeer Monster V2 which is looking pretty decent in 16:9 native. Review on that soon as well as the Aomway 16:9 commander V1 goggles..
Foxeer Monster V2:
1350mah 95C Readyedi batteries: /?
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