Walkera V100D08 Mini 3D RC helicopter French Titles

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Here is the newest Mini 3D Flybarless RC Helicopter from Walkera that comes with Devention 8 Digital computerized Color LCD Touch screen radio and rips some serious 3D right outside the box. Well a bit of tweaking needed. We tested many moves and I felt very comfortable doing 3D outdoors even with winds on this new Walkera V100D08. it offers great flight stability, very stable 3D moves and rock solid tail lock for all your 3D stunts. Great for 3D heli beginners to learn to fly outdoor and learn to do 3D as this one is very durable too. We had like 3 crashes during shooting this video but no repairs were needed. Except that one bad crash we replaced the tail prop only. Extreme durable, great main rotor head speed and very good stabilization system on this bird combined with new Devention 8 radio's easy programming, this thing pulls some sweet 3D. Check out the promo video, later more simple 3D videos will follow. Comments and feedback welcome at alishanmao@gmail.com or ali@redcatracing.com Don't forget to Subscribe to Hey Check out my Highly Recommended Products at Kit here:
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