How-To Build Your Back into a Muscle Shield - Buff Dudes

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The Dudes are back with another How-To, this one focusing on how to build the Back into a Muscular Shield which will send shivers down the spines of all who oppose it!
Exercises covered:
Weighted Pull-Ups
T-Bar Rows
Reverse Grip Bent-Over Rows
One Armed Cable Rows
Straight Arm Lat Pulldowns
weighted pull ups -
Primary muscle group - latissimus dorsi, rhomboid major/minor, teres major, trapezius lower portion
secondary muscles - brachioradialis, biceps
Benefits - Use this exercise for total back development, helping with that v-taper.
Underhand bent over rows -
Primary muscles - Lower lats, upper traps
Secondary muscles - Biceps
Benefits - Helping build the lower lats (christmas tree) and strength in the erector spinae, also activating more of the biceps.
T-Bar rows
Primary muscles - Lats, traps, posterior delts, teres major/minor
secondary muscles - abs, biceps, erector spinae
Benefits - include this in your back routine for middle/upper back thickness.
Bent over DB one arm DB rows
Primary muscles - Lats, traps, posterior delts
secondary muscles - biceps
Benefits - a Unilateral exercise - great for working out any inconsistencies in form and strength from one side to the next. Helping elongate the lats for maximum v-taper.
Straight arm lat pull-downs -
Primary muscles - Lats, teres major
secondary muscles - triceps
benefits - one of the only isolation exercise for the lats, helping elongate and stretch the lats. Also a great warm-up or burn out exercise to either start of finish any back workout.
Buff Dudes / Fitness / Back
Starring: Brandon Myles White
Shot n' Edited by: Hudson
Music by Kevin MacLeod
Griphop - ISRC: US-UAN-11-00413
Impact Intermezzo - ISRC: US-UAN-11-00620
Ice Flow - ISRC: US-UAN-1200088
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