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Betaflight has its own OSD! It's way, way better than MWOSD for several reasons. First, it's updated with Betaflight, so no faffing about with FTDI adapters. Just flash the new version of Betaflight and away you go. Second, you can configure it from within the Betaflight configurator, so that's nice. Third, it includes many of the Betaflight specific options that have been added, and many other improvements to the usual MWOSD and KVOSD and so forth.
Betaflight OSD is (currently) only available on flight controllers that have the OSD on-board and accessible via SPI. Boards that use a UART and MSP to access the OSD can't (currently) use this functionality. We're looking at the Sirin FPV, but the same functionality is available on e.g. the Omnibus series, and some other boards. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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