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3DHS Bigfoot Sighting at Wenatchee
This is a few minutes of random flight footage of SupaTim and Vitter flying their 3D Hobby Shop Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) at the Wenatchee Huckfest (2013). Both planes are running a Valley View RC 40CC twin with a 20x8 Xoar prop. Nice flights boys!
Sorry about the rain drops on the lens from time to time!
A friend of mine ordered one of these and was in the process of assembling it so I thought I'd grab a little flight footage to let him see what it is he can look forward to.
As you can see, these things are a lot of fun and fly great. If however, you look a little further down in this video description, you'll see that there are some issues with the ARF that you should be aware of.
Wingspan: 84"
Length: 69"
Firewall to front of cowl: 6 1/8"
Recommended Equipment:
Electric Motor:
Hacker A60-6XS on 6S 5000-5800 mAh battery, 20 x 10 prop
Hacker A60-5S with 8S 4000-5000 mAh, 20x10 prop
Electronic Speed Control:
Castle Creations Talon 90 ESC
Castle Creations Edge 100 ESC
Castle Creations Edge 130 ESC
Gas Engine:
DLE 35
DA 35
Qty. 6 Hitec HS-985MG (Good)
Qty. 6 Hitec HS-5565MH (Better)
Qty. 6 Hitec HS-5585MH (Better)
Qty. 6 Hitec HS-7985MG (Better)
Qty. 6 Hitec HS-7955TG (Best)
Link to Plane:
Quality Control Issues:
After chatting with the guys at Wenatchee, It seems that my friend is not alone with some of the issues he is experiencing as he assembles it.
If you get one of these, watch for:
Broken flap hinges: The hinges are Robart clones and will break quite easily if you over stress them. This was discovered when trying to get enough deflection out of the (pre-hinged) flaps. It seems that the quality control on this ARF is not what we've come to expect from 3DHS. The flap was pre-hinged with the correct gap on one wing but much too tight on the other. It would have been much better if they had not come pre-hinged.
After considerable back and forth with 3DHS (and after finally getting a response) he was sent a second wing. It was worse and even had the wing bolt glued into the wing.
The third wing he received was not much better but it will be going on the plane.
Struts: The wing struts fit poorly and have to be carefully bent in order to fit properly.
Hardware: Some of the hardware was substandard and some control rods had crappy, unusable threads.
Covering: There is balsa showing through in places where they missed with the covering and there were a few tears. The clear plastic layer over the black trim is peeling off.
Customer Service: Not nearly up to the standard it was a while ago. It took days and sometimes weeks to get emails returned and there was no response to voice mail. (No one ever actually answered the phone.)
Unlike many of the other ARFs from 3DHS, this one did not come with wing bags. No big deal but I doubt anyone would mind paying a few extra bucks to get wing bags with the plane.
As long as you know about these things going into it, and you are prepared to deal with it, it's a great plane to fly after you finally get it together.
Unfortunately, the quality of this ARF seems far removed from that found on my 3DHS 71" Slick that almost went together by itself.
I'd guess that these Bigfoots are made by a different factory/manufacture (than the Slicks, etc.) and I can only hope that 3DHS will demand that their supplier will deal with these issues before the next batch come off the line (and before I order one!)
Music: WARNING: YouTube rejected the CC licence for this music. They shouldn't because it's all legit but they did :-(
Royalty Free Music from Argofox (CC)
Argofox (CC) offers royalty/copyright free CREATIVE COMMONS tracks for gameplay, GoPro & speed art!
Artist: Doctor Vox
Song title: Neon Lights
Link to SoundCloud Download and Creative Commons License: : ...
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DOCTOR VOX - Neon Lights by DOCTOR VOX is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.
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