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Google I/O 2009 - Evolution of the Google Data Protocol: New Features for Building more Efficient Applications
Sven Mawson
-- Contents --
0:29 - GData Intro
2:42 - Photo Shuffler Demo
4:04 - JSON Background
8:48 - JSON Problems
10:36 - Introducing JSONC
16:26 - JSONC Stats
17:48 - RESTful Updates Background
20:40 - Introducing Partial GET
25:43 - Partial GET Stats
27:23 - Conditional GET Background
30:00 - Introducing ETags
32:31 - ETag Stats
36:20 - Coming Soon: JSONC Write
38:25 - Coming Soon: Partial Patch
40:12 - Q&A
-- End --
Recently, Google Data APIs have implemented new technologies in order to make applications and communications with Google Data APIs more efficient. We'll present these new technologies, including ETags, Partial Get and Update, and a new compact JSON format, and show how you can use them to improve your applications. We'll demonstrate these features by showing an example built on top of the Google Photos (Picasa Web Album) API.
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