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Build and review video of the new 150mm Diatone Quad frame from This frame could support 1104 or 1306 motors and I would recommend 6-12amp micro esc's. I plan to use 4" inch props cut down to fit as 4" props would be a bit too big to fit this frame. Its designed for a 3 inch prop, but I think with larger motors and 3s, the larger props would be better suited. If there is something I haven't covered, let me know, I'd be happy to provide more details. Thanks for watching!
EDIT- I ended up using 4045 props cut to just over 3" and with the 1306 motor, this thing is amazing!
Get your frame at Banggood-
Diatone LED Lights-
Using RCX 1306 3100KV motors, but these DYS 1306 3100kv's ones from Banggood would work great as well
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