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3D Printed GoPro Hero 3 & 4 Protective Cases
These cases are designed to be printed using PLA in conjunction with a Layer Lens for adder protection available through Lumiener’s website or your local dealer.
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The files are all available through Thingiverse for download and printing. Your options as far as getting these printed is Print them yourself if you have a printer, get a friend with a printer to print them for you and I believe you can get them printed through Thingivese too.
I can’t promise I can print them for you because I’m not geared towards printing a heap of these out and postage internationally costs heaps from Australia.
Every time I post something like this I get someone wanting to pay me for providing something for free or I get people asking me to set up a patreon. I’m still not comfortable with patreon and I won’t be giving out my paypal email address. However Thingiverse has a Tips option lol I have finally enabled that.
Anyway if you have any questions feel free to comment below :D
GoPro Mount - Links coming soon.
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