Ahsoka's Survival After Order 66 REVEALED! How She Got Her White Lightsabers! Star Wars Explained

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We learn new details about Ahsoka after Order 66 in Star Wars! Find out how she obtained her new white lightsabers fully explained in Star Wars, where she was after Order 66, her last encounter with Anakin Skywalker before he turned into Darth Vader, the new inquisitor The Sixth Brother who some believe to be Snoke, and even a brief appearance by Obi Wan Kenobi himself. All of these reveals come from the new book, Ahsoka Star Wars Novel by E.K. Johnston so there are spoilers in this video and you’ve been warned! Leave your Ahsoka Star Wars book novel review below in the comments. Thanks for watching New Ahsoka Details REVEALED! How She Obtained Her New Lightsabers, Story After Order 66 [SPOILERS!]
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Ahsoka's Survival After Order 66 REVEALED! How She Got Her White Lightsabers! Star Wars Explained
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