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Here is a look at the Brenner Contra Rotating drive system installed on Chad Northeast’s awesome F3A Oxai Acuracy Biplane. In this video Chad takes us on a walk-through of the setup of his biplane, gives us a close look at the contra drive system, and explains why he’s chosen to go with the contra drive for his competition plane.
Spectrum Flyers hosted a Pattern event this past weekend and Chad Northeast and all but one of the Canadian FAI F3A Team showed up to compete. On his way to winning the event, Chad was testing a new Brenner Contra Rotating Drive system from Contra Racing (powered by a prototype Plettenburg motor) that he mounted on his Oxai Acuracy Biplane.
A big shout out to Dave, Dave’s boss, Mike, Harv and the rest of the crew and volunteers that helped put on a great event.
Thanks as always for watching! Take care, happy flying and remember to enjoy life now, it has an expiry date.
Link to the plane:
Link to the Contra Rotating Drive: /#!
Link to Plettenburg: ?
Link to Peter Haase's Facebook page where you can find the esc heat sink:
Link to one of the forums dedicated to the contra drive:
Link to Team Canada F3A: and here:
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