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In an upcoming series of videos, I'm going to show you how to build your own nitro-powered parkflier-sized RC model plane.
Pulling mine along will be a brand new Cox BabyBee and I encourage you to use the same engine on yours. These engines are now in production again and can be purchased from Cox International...
or you can buy a second hand one from eBay or at your club's next swap-meet; that's if you don't already have one in a box or a drawer somewhere.
But now I need your help. I want viewers to tell me exactly what type of plane I should design and build.
Do you want a WW2 fighter like the Spitfire or Mustang? How about a contemporary jet fighter like the F15 or F22?
Maybe something more traditional such as an Extra 330 or a Yak 54?
Have your say in the comments and I'll go with the one which gets the most mentions.
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