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Firstly its worth Mentioning that his isn’t intended to be super cinematic shots but rather a sample of what you can expect out of the Mavic without an correction, sharpening etc done in post. Other than putting in some sped up footage and cross fades, this footage is straight out of the Mavic. Oh I did put in the Cinema crop on top and bottom . . this is so you can imagine you’re at the movies :P
DJI Product Link
Mavic Pro
The Ocean footage was shot in Philip Island in Australia
I’ve played with the settings and what I’ve found to work best for me is the Following:
D-Cinelike +1,0,0
Filmed at 2K resolution at 29.97fps
Then Downscaled to 1080P
First question Im going to get is why isn’t this filmed in Pal and shouldn’t I be filming at 25fps? Most of my footage is purely for YouTube so I prefer the extra framerate for added smoothness and I’m not filming at night time so 50hz doesn’t come into it.
Second Question, why not 4K, well I only upload in 1080P which is better suited to the videos we produce. When filming at 2K I have the ability to digitally zoom in without loss of resolution and the image is less compressed to hence I can colour correct and do more with the image.
If you really want to get great 4K out of the Mavic, it’s possible without a doubt but you have to make sure you’re running the Histogram.
Airframes used in this video
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DJI Mavic Pro
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