Halo 4 Castle Map Pack Gameplay Walkthrough Incoming Castle Map Pack Trailer Gameplay

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New Halo 4 Castle Map Pack gameplay as we walkthrough the maps including Perdition, Outcast, and Daybreak. Halo 4 Castle Map gameplay includes footage of the banshee in action as well as the wraith, warthog, and other vehicles like the UNSC Scorpion. You will be able to play these maps in different multiplayer game modes including a new 6 vs 6 playlist that will be introduced when these maps release on April 8.
Daybreak takes place in a large region, with snowcapped mountains serving as the backdrop as two UNSC outposts face off in massive battles. Vehicles in this map include the Warthog and the Banshee, offering plenty of opportunites to suprise your enemy.
Outcast, set in a vast desert, not only has plenty of wide open areas for vehicles like the Mantis and Wraith, but also has choke points inside of tunnels making for intense situations.
Perdition is the urban map of the bunch, but still offers plenty of wide open areas for vehicles like the Warthog. Trains and tall, futuristic buildings serve as the backdrop as players must learn the routes throughout the city to become successful.
As you can see, the Castle Map Pack looks like an excisting addition to Halo 4's multiplayer and we will be on the frontlines when it releases on April 8th - so stay tuned for more videos right here at GameVerb and thanks for watching!
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Halo 4 Castle Map Pack Gameplay Walkthrough Incoming Castle Map Pack Trailer Gameplay | Star Wars HQ
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