Alan Walker - Alone (Anthony Keyrouz & Henri Purnell ft. Romy Wave Remix)

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✖ Support Anthony Keyrouz
✖ Support Henri Purnell:
✖ Support Romy Wave:
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✖ Image by André Josselin:
✖ Lyrics:
Lost in your mind
I wanna know
Am I loosing my mind
Never let me go
If this night is not forever
At least we are together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone
Anywhere whenever
Apart but still together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone
Unconscious mind
I'm wide awake
Wanna feel one last time
Take my pain away
If this night is not forever
At least we are together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone
Anywhere whenever
Apart but still together
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone
I know I'm not alone
I'm not alone, I'm not alone
I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone
I'm not alone, I'm not alone
I'm not alone, I know I'm not alone
#thevibeguide #tvg #thevibeguidexo #tvgxo #tvgfestival #tvgfest #chill
Alan Walker - Alone (Anthony Keyrouz & Henri Purnell ft. Romy Wave Remix) is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user, if you have any question about video removal, what was shared by open community, please contact directly or report bad/not working video links directly to video owner on Removed video from will also be removed from here.