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Some FPV buddies invited me to fly at this AMAZING park... (Atlanta Memorial Park.) It is literally the most perfect place I have ever flown. I flew about 12 packs here and had a few crashed., but no damage other than props. All flights were freestyle.. just go where you can see the light style flying. I am trying to get my chops up because Trappy says i need to get my shit together for Nationals lol
Blackout Mini H 5"
Naze32 acro w/ Cleanflight/oneshot
Pid_controller = 1
Roll- 3.7, .035, 15
Pitch - 7.4, .040, 16
Yaw - 11.6, .046, 3
RC rate 1.18
RC Expo .69
Roll/Pitch rate - .68
Yaw Rate - .75
Cobra 2204 2300KV - ...
10 Degree G10 Angled Mounts. (
HQ 5040 (Green Glass Blend)
ImmersionRC 600mW 5.8GHz
Pzo420 2.8mm
Team Black Sheep Core PNP50 - ...
4S 1300mAh 70C Thunderpower(lightest battery in its class!!) ...
GoPro 3+ Black (layerLens)
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