Halo 4 - Community Forge FFA - Infinity Rumble on Edifice (Gameplay/Commentary)

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Halo 4 © Microsoft Corporation. This video was created under Microsoft's "Game Content Usage Rules" using assets from Halo 4. It is not endorsed by Microsoft and does not reflect the views or opinions of Microsoft or anyone officially involved in producing or managing Halo 4. As such, it does not contribute to the official narrative of the fictional universe, if applicable.
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Halo 4,Halo,Halo 4 Community Forge FFA Playlist,Halo 4 Community Forge FFA,Halo 4 Infinity Rumble,Halo 4 Rumble Pro,Halo 4 Regicide,Halo 4 FFA,Halo 4 FFA Gameplay,Halo 4 Multiplayer Gameplay,Halo 4 Community Forge FFA Thoughts,Halo 4 Edifice,Chief Landless,ChiefAlphaQ
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